ReAL was founded in 2008 by Rick Tyler at a time when Mr. Tyler also served as a spokesman for Newt Gingrich. Gingrich was not on the board of ReAL, but was given the title of Honorary Chairman because of his interest and fund raising support for ReAL. Rick Tyler was the founding Executive Director, serving from ReAL’s founding until March of 2011.
Rick Tyler and Newt Gingrich resigned from their roles in the spring of 2011.
Dr. Jim Garlow, who lives in San Diego, California became Chairman and CEO of ReAL in March 21, 2011 after Rick Tyler and Newt Gingrich resigned. He had served (pending a formal board vote on March 21, 2011) as “Acting” Chairman from March 1, 2010 until March 21, 2011. These positions are part time as Garlow also serves as a pastor in California.
Dr. Garlow is an author, communicator, commentator, historian, cultural observer and Senior Pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, California, and is heard daily on over 800 radio outlets nationwide in his one-minute historical commentary called “The Garlow Perspective.” He has authored more than a dozen books.
Mr. Ken Hagerty serves as the Vice President for Policy. Previously, Mr. Hagerty founded the Global Venture Investors Association (GVIA), which produced international conferences that introduced overseas governments and investors to the financial and developmental benefits of investing in American venture capital firms. He served four years on Capitol Hill, four at the White House Office of Management and Budget, and another 20 as a lobbyist for high technology and venture capital associations and clients.
Ms. Anne Subia joined ReAL's team in April of 2011 as an active volunteer. She is also Southern California Coordinator for the National Day of Prayer Task Force. She worked with Dr. Garlow on the Pastors' Rapid Response Team, a group of several thousand pastors committed to preserving the traditional, natural definition of marriage as being one man, one woman, which recently experienced a victorious campaign with Proposition 8 receiving over seven million votes, 52.3 percent of the ballots cast.
Professional Officers
Mr. David O’Grady, CPA, and CFO and Treasurer to ReAL, is the Senior Accounting Consultant and Sole Principle at DCO Consulting LLC. Mr. O'Grady has over 25 years of diversified experience which includes CFO and Treasurer roles and specializes in SEC reporting and compliance, accounting operations, strategic planning, financial reporting and analysis, audit management, mergers and acquisition, risk management and financial systems implementation in the Telecom, Financial Services, Real Estate and eCommerce industries.
Mr. Jeffrey Altman, General Counsel, and Secretary to ReAL, is a partner in the law firm of McKenna Long Aldridge LLP. Mr. Altman has more than three decades of experience and specializes in representing non-profit organizations like ReAL. In addition to serving as a General Counsel, a director and officer of various non-profit organizations over the years, he lectures and writes extensively on non-profit governance, tax and legal issues.
Note: The overview below covers the time when Garlow became “Acting Chairman,” March 1, 2010, and continues through the date when he was formally instated as Chairman & CEO on March 21, 2011 to the present.
Web and Policy (since February, 2010)
- Published 65 “Main Story” articles on the ReAL website
- Published 29 book reviews on the ReAL website
- Linked and promoted to 1097 other news pieces
- Completed and published 50+ pages of the 73-page ReAL Core Doctrine document on the ReAL website.
- Completed approximately two-thirds of a book on America’s Religious History
Articles on Website
- Timothy Dalrymple: Turning the Tide in the Abortion Struggle
- Bryan Fischer: Men of Faith Should Be Involved in Politics -- Moses Is Proof
- Peter Jones: An Evangelical Debate: Is Heterosexuality “An Abomination?”
- Dr. Jim Garlow: The Case for a Balanced Budget Amendment Now
- Ken Camp: After 400 Years, Does King James Still Rule?
- Mark D. Tooley: Exploiting Lent to Protect Big Government
- Archbishop Charles J. Chaput: America and the Governor of the Universe
- Jonathan D. Fitzgerald: Who Are the Poor?: Tim Keller Talks Justice
- Robert Knight: Obama to God and America: You’re Wrong About Marriage
- Jerome Koch: Where Have All the Children Gone
- Marc Nuttle: American Exceptionalism and the Moral Imperative of Deficit Reduction
- Paul G. Kengor: A Pillar of Reagan's Legacy: Religion
- Michael Baruzzini: Who Are You Calling "Anti-Science"?
- Dr. Jim Garlow: Honesty vs. Oath-Breaking, Maturity vs. Pouting
- Timothy Dalrymple: Is the Tea Party a Christian Movement?
- John Fea: The Founding Fathers Were Not Deists
- G. Tracy Mehan, III: NYC: The Statue of Liberty or the Grim Reaper?
- Outraged Citizens to Rally This Saturday -- Concerned with National Implications of Ruling: 9th Circuit Says Mt Soledad Cross Unconstitutional
- Rick Marschall: The Best Possible New Year’s Wish
- Doug Bandow: Rediscovering the Constitution
- Dinesh D'Souza: How the West Grew Rich
- Leslie Carbone: The Moral Case Against Spreading the Wealth
- Charles S. LiMandri: The 'Trilogy of Tyranny' From a Rogue Judiciary
- William R. Forstchen: A Visit to the Real Valley Forge
- Matthew Spalding: What Makes America Exceptional
- The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention: How Christians Can be Involved in Politics
- Chaplain Todd DuBord, M. Div.: Independence Hall: Independent from God?
- Archbishop Charles J. Chaput: Religion and the New Media Orthodoxy
- Congressman Frank R. Wolf: The Other Deficit: Religious Freedom and Human Rights
- Katharine C. Gorka: Shari'a Finance and the U.S. Constitution
- Congressman Bob Goodlatte: The Perils of the National Debt
- Dr. Jim Garlow: Evangelicals, Mormons, and Glenn Beck
- Robert P. George: No Mere Marriage of Convenience: Uniting Social and Economic Conservatives
- Dr. Jim Garlow: Losses and Consequences
- Rick Perry: An Outsider's View of Washington
- Robert F. Schwarzwalder: Why "Natural Law" Still Matters for Conservatives
- Congressman J. Randy Forbes: In God We Trust
- Marvin Olasky: The Bible's Most Misused Verse
- Michael Novak: How Christianity Created Capitalism
- George Carey: America's Founding and Limited Government
- Jennifer A. Marshall: Their Futures, Our Freedom at Stake in D.C. Voucher Debate
- Congressman Rob Bishop: Federalism: The Founders' Formula for Freedom
- William R. Forstchen: On This Memorial Day There Are Two Americas
- Archbishop Charles J. Chaput: The Vocation of Christians in American Public Life
- Doug Bandow: Liberty and Virtue: Invaluable and Inseparable
- James A. Dorn: The Rise of Government and the Decline of Morality
- James Tonkowich: Natural Law: The Hope for Solid Footing in a Sea of Subjectivity
- Matthew Spalding: Progressives versus The Founders
- Rick Tyler: The Battle for Religious Liberty in America
- Vince Haley: Obama Removes Jesus from Easter Message
- Barry Casselman: Faith and Free Markets
- Congressman Paul Ryan: A Roadmap for America's Future
- Jeb Hensarling and Mike Pence: Time for a Spending Cap with Teeth
- Michael Novak and Jana Novak: What Washington Saw in God - And how that vision shaped his life and presidency
- The Capitol Visitor Center Report: Reconstructing American History
- Chuck Colson: The Manhattan Declaration
- Christian Whiton: Restoring the Exceptional Republic
- Peter Ferrara: How Profit Profits Everyone
- Congressman Steve King: The American Left Finds Religion!
- Rodney Stark: The Victory of Reason
- Dr. Jim Garlow: Obama's State of the Union "Dream" Speech
- 94 legislators from 15 nations: A Christian Letter to President Obama
- Super Administrator: A Day of Prayer for the Gulf States
- Barry Casselman: Faith and Free Markets
- Congressional Prayer Caucus: Obama's National Motto Mistake
Book Reviews on Website
- Gerard Reed: Radical-in-Chief
- Gerard Reed: God's Undertaker
- Gerard Reed: Intellectuals
- Gerard Reed: New Proofs for the Existence of God
- Gerard Reed: The Regensburg Lecture
- Gerard Reed: In the Beginning Was Information
- Gerard Reed: Wafa Sultan, A God Who Hates
- Gerard Reed: Rodney Stark’s The Victory of Reason:
- Allen K. Brown: Allen K. Brown- Henry Adams and the Making of America
- Gerard Reed: Encountering Heaven and the Afterlife
- Gerard Reed: Hernando deSoto- The Mystery of Capital
- Ken Hagerty: Dinesh D'Souza- What's So Great About Christianity
- Gerard Reed: Angelo M. Codevilla- The Ruling Class
- Gerard Reed: Mark Levin-Liberty and Tyranny
- Gerard Reed: Arthur C. Brooks- The Battle
- Ken Hagerty: Michael Novak and The Theology of Democratic Capitalism
- Gerard Reed: Francis Collins- The Language of God
- Gerard Reed: The Roots of Obama's Rage by Dinesh D'Souza
- Gerard Reed: John Elderdge- Wild at Heart
- Gerard Reed: Stephen Meyer-Signature in the Cell
- Gerard Reed: Amity Schlaes, The Forgotten Man
- Gerard Reed: C.S. Lewis- A Grief Observed
- Gerard Reed: Joshua Muravchik- Heaven on Earth
- Gerard Reed: Marianne Legato- Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget
- Ken Hagerty: Matthew Spalding, We Still Hold These Truths
- Gerard Reed: Paul Johnson- The Quest For God
- Ken Hagerty: Paul Johnson, A History of the American People
- Gerard Reed: Peter Schweizer, Makers and Takers
- Gerard Reed: Roger Kimball, The Long March
ReAL News and Views Newsletter
Since October 19, 2010, ReAL has sent 32 weekly newsletters to more than 80,000 people.
Long form Newsletters
October 19, 2010 - Introducing ReAL News & Views
October 26, 2010 - A Race You Need To Know About
November 1, 2010 - Christian Duty to Vote
November, 9, 2010 - Historic Election Deeper and Wider than Reported
November 15, 2010 - Radical Islamism and Secular Socialism—Enemies From Without and Within
November 23, 2010 - The ReAL America Series Pt 1 - American Exceptionalism
November 30, 2010 - The ReAL America Series - Pt 2 Renewing American Economic Leadership
December 7, 2010 - The ReAL America Series Pt 3 - The Threat of Radical Islamism & the Value of Religious Freedom
December 14, 2010 - The ReAL America Series Pt 4 - The Pursuit of Happiness: Fostering a Prosperous Nation
December, 21 2010 - The ReAL America Series Pt 5 - Secular Socialism: America’s Fifth Column
December 28. 2010 - 5 Core Principles for the New Year
January 4, 2011 - Help ReAL Action shape our Agenda for 2011
January 11, 2011 - It's time for the Ninth Circuit to go
January 18, 2011 - Help us make Congress balance the budget once and for all
January 25, 2011 - Digging a Hole in Our Budget... All the Way to China
February 1, 2011 - BBA Now Coalition Helps Senator Hatch and Cornyn bring Common Sense to Washington
February 9, 2011 - What Egypt Tells Us About America
February 15, 2001 - Leading the Majority
February 22, 2011 – Faith in Freedom, Not in Government
March 1, 2011 – The Rule of Obama
March 8, 2011 – America Voting “Present” in a Dangerous World
March 29, 2011 – An Unwanted Pregnancy, A Wanted Child
April 5, 2011 – Can America be restored or is it Too Late?
April 20, 2011 – Who Cares if Christ is Risen?
April 26, 2011 – American Freedom and the national Day of Prayer – May 5, 2011
May 4, 2011 – Fuhgeddaboutit!
May 30, 2011 – A Day to Remember
Digest Newsletters
April 12, 2011 – Introducing the ReAL News & Views Digest: Paul Ryan’s Budget: A Plan to Restore America; Japan, Nuclear Reactors, America & The Left; Rand Paul on Light Bulbs and Free Will; Exposing Planned Parenthoods Lies; Are America’s Children Safe At School.
May 10, 2011 – The Battles to Stop the Debt and Defend Our Faith: The Obscenity of Overspending; California Atheist drops Pledge Lawsuit; The Japanese Earthquake and American Exceptionalism; What is the Muslim Student Association?
May 17, 2011 – Values and Victories: Wrestling with Our Values; Marriage in Maryland; How’s That Multiculturalism Working Out For You?; Dick Morris on Foreign Aid Reform.
May 24, 2011 – The Power of Right Thinking: Polls Apart?; “F” Stands for Family, Faith, Freedom, or Failure!; The Legacy of Lex Rex; Christian Thought: the Anti-Science?
June 7, 2011 – Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way: Religious Trends Shaping U.S. Politics; The Threat to Faith-Based Adoption; Learning from Great Learners; The West and the Rest.
Radio Interviews:
- Jim Garlow: Moody Radio Network, Chicago, June 20, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Focus on the Family, May 5, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Janet Mefferd Show,Salem Radio Network, April 26, 2011
- Jim Garlow: The Matt Friedeman Show,American Family Radio, March 24, 2011
- Jim Garlow: My Family Talk, March 21, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Moody Radio, Chicago, February 8, 2011
- Jim Garlow: ABC Australia, January 20, 2011
- Jim Garlow: PID Radio, December 7, 2010
- Jim Garlow: The Debbie Chavez Show,December 1, 2010
- Jim Garlow: American Priorities,November 11, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Lightline, WPOS, November 11, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Morning Show, WHKW, November 8, 2010
- Jim Garlow: American Family Radio, November 4, 2010
- Rick Tyler on The Current, November 3, 2010
- Jim Garlow: The Meeting House, Faith Broadcasting, November 3, 2010
- Jim Garlow: American Family Radio, November 2, 2010
- Jim Garlow: American Family Radio Network, October 29, 2010
- Ken Hagerty on The James Allen Show, Phoenix, AZ, October 23, 2010
- Jim Garlow: American Family Radio, October 21, 2010
- Rick on The JT Show, Mississippi, October 7, 2010
- Rick on "Mind Your Own Business Radio Show," October 5, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Georgia Baptist Convention Radio, September 24, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Pat Williams Show, WTLN, September 22, 2010
- Jim Garlow: American Family Radio, September 17, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Jim Franklin Live,September 11, 2010
- Jim Garlow: The Mark Daniels Show, WFIL, September 7, 2010
- Jim Garlow: The Bob Dutko Show, WMUZ, August 31, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Connecting Faith, Faith Radio Network, August 25, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Perspectives,August 25, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Tavis Smiley Show, August 19, 2010
- Jim Garlow: The Mark Larson Show, KCBQ / KPRZ, August 17, 2010
- Jim Garlow: CBN News, August 10, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Family News in Focus, August 9, 2010
- Jim Garlow: In the Market with Janet Parshall, Moody Radio, August 9, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Jim Franklin Live, August 7, 2010
- Jim Garlow: The Alan Colmes Show, Fox News Radio, August 6, 2010
- Jim Garlow: American Family Radio, August 5, 2010
- Jim Garlow: The Mark Larson Show, KCBQ / KPRZ August 5, 2010
- Jim Garlow: American Family Radio, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: In the Market with Janet Parshall, Moody Radio, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: AP Radio, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: KOGO Radio, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: KPBS San Diego, August 4, 2010
- Rick Tyler: VISION AMERICA PRESENTS: "Mixing Church & State God's Way," July 22, 2010
- Rick Tyler: The Wall Street Shuffle, July 21, 2010
- Rick Tyler: VISION AMERICA PRESENTS: "Mixing Church & State God's Way," July 6, 2010
- Rick Tyler: Freedom Radio, July 1, 2010
- Rick Tyler: Conservative is Cool, July 1, 2010
- Rick Tyler: "On the DL" CNN Radio, Dallas / Ft. Worth, June 22, 2010
- Rick Tyler: VISION AMERICA PRESENTS: "Mixing Church & State God's Way," June 17, 2010
- Rick Tyler: Elise Richmond Show, Palm Springs, CA), June 16, 2010
- Rick Tyler: Point of View, IRN-USA, June 11, 2010
- Rick Tyler: Mike Hodge, The Valley, June 11, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “On the D.L.” on CNN1190am, June 7, 2010
- Jim Garlow: The Martha Zoller Show – WXKT FM 103.7 April 19, 2010
- Rick Tyler: 1240 AM radio, Statesboro, March 19, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Haven Today,March 18, 2010
- Jim Garlow: American Family Radio, March 18, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Focus on the Family Radio, March 18, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Family Life Radio, March 16, 2010
- Rick Tyler: Radio Free Washington, March 11, 2010
- Jim Garlow: The Sandy Rios Show, WYLL Chicago March 8, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Hosted the Mark Larson Show, Guests: Ted Baehr, Rick Santorum, Lance Wallnau, March 3, 2010
- Rick Tyler: The Prescription Addiction Radio Show Wed., February 24, 2010
- Rick Tyler: KYKN News-Talk 1430 Interview, February 4, 2010
Television Interviews:
- Jim Garlow: NBC Universal, March 10, 2011
- Jim Garlow: “Fox & Friends,” December 25, 2010
- Jim Garlow: KUSI – San Diego, December 24, 2010
- Jim Garlow: “Fox & Friends,” December 17, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Channel 10 – San Diego, December 15, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Cornerstone TV/Focus 4, December 1, 2010
- Jim Garlow: “Insight” Miracle Channel, Canada, December 1, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Happening Now” (Fox News Channel), November 24, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Fox – San Diego, November 17, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Happening Now” (Fox News Channel), November 8, 2010
- Rick Tyler: KTRK-TV ABC 13 (Houston, TX) w/ Tom Abrahams, November 3, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “America’s Newsroom” (Fox News Channel), October 31, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “America’s News HQ” (Fox News Channel) September 26, 2010,
- Jim Garlow: CBN News, September 7, 2010
- Jim Garlow: “God Talk”, FoxNews.com, August 26, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “America’s Newsroom” (Fox News Channel), August 26, 2010
- Jim Garlow: “Harvest Show,” August 25, 2010
- Jim Garlow: “San Diego Living,” CW – Channel 6 – San Diego, August 23, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Fox San Diego, August 16, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Channel 10 News – San Diego, August 8, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Channel 10 – San Diego, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Channel 8 (CBS) – San Diego, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: KUSI, Channel 6 – San Diego, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: NBC 7-39 – San Diego, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: “Fox and Friends” (Fox News Channel), July 19, 2010
- Rick Tyler “Happening Now” (Fox News Channel) July 16, 2010
- Jim Garlow: “Glenn Beck” (Fox News Channel), July 7, 2010
- Rick Tyler: (Fox News Channel), July 2, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Happening Now” (Fox News Channel), June 3, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Happening Now” (Fox News Channel), May 26, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “America’s Newsroom” (Fox News Chanel), April 29, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Happening Now” (Fox News Chanel), April 14, 2010
- Jim Garlow: “LIFE Today,” April 12, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “America’s Newsroom” (Fox News Chanel), March 26, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “America’s Newsroom” (Fox News Chanel), March 16, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Happening Now” (Fox News Chanel), March 12, 2010
- Bob McEwen: “Happening Now” (Fox News Chanel), February 24, 2010
- Bob McEwen: “Fox and Friends” (Fox News Chanel), February 19, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Hannity” (Fox News Chanel), February 16, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Hannity” (Fox News Chanel), February 16, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Happening Now” (Fox News Chanel), March 12, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “America’s Newsroom” (Fox News Chanel), March 16, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “America’s Newsroom” (Fox News Chanel), March 26, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “Happening Now” (Fox News Chanel), April 14, 2010
- Rick Tyler: “America’s Newsroom” (Fox News Chanel), April 29, 2010
- Bob McEwen: “Fox and Friends” (Fox News Chanel), February 19, 2010
- Bob McEwen: “Happening Now” (Fox News Chanel), February 24, 2010
- David Barton: “Glen Beck” (Fox News Chanel), April 8, 2010
Print Interviews
- Jim Garlow: Good News, etc,June 9, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Onenewsnow.com, April 27, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Religion News Service, April 1, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Washington Bureau, LA Times, February 25, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Washington Post, February 7, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Union Tribune, December 15, 2010
- Jim Garlow: OneNewsNow.com, December 6, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Union Tribune, December 6, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Church Executive Magazine, December 3, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Union Tribune, November 30, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Christian Examiner, November 18, 2010
- Jim Garlow: OneNewsNow.com, November 3, 2010
- Jim Garlow: TruNews.com, October 29, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Washington Times, October 27, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Washington Post, October 27, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Examiner.com, October 13, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Christian Examiner, October 8, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Charisma Magazine, September 15, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Belief Blog on CNN.com, August 27, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Christianity Today, August 19, 2010
- Jim Garlow: OneNewsNow.com, August 12, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Christianity Today, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: New York Times, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Charisma Magazine, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Union Tribune, August 4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Christian Examiner, March 12, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Christianity Today, March 10, 2010
Garlow Opinion Pieces
August 27, 2010: The Christian Post “Evangelicals and Glenn Beck” – Garlow
April 16, 2010: The Washington Post: “Campus test of religious freedom” – Gingrich and Garlow
Feb. 26, 2010, San Diego Union Tribune, “Planned Parenthood Misuses Its Funding – Garlow
Sept. 23, 2010, FoxNew.com, “President Obama, Please Stop a Nuclear Iran – Now” - Garlow
The Garlow Perspective
Jim Garlow’s one-minute radio commentaries aired on approximately 830 radio outlets daily – 349 have aired since March 1, 2011, when Garlow assumed the role of Acting Chairman.
Have taped nearly 2,500 taped one-minute commentaries.
Speeches & Appearances:
- Jim Garlow: Washington, DC - Faith and Freedom Coalition--June 3, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Mt. Hermon, CA - Christian Medical and Dental Association Conference – April 29-30, 2011
- Jim Garlow: San Diego, CA - Mt. Soledad Rally – January 15, 2011
- Jim Garlow: Dallas, TX - Lions Roar Conference – November 1-3, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Redding, CA - Tozer Seminary – October 8-9, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Washington, DC - Marriage Summit – September 20, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Washington, DC – Lead in prayer - Ground Zero Mosque Rally – September 11, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Washington, DC - Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference – September 10, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Sacramento, CA – The Call – September 3-4, 2010
- Jim Garlow: San Diego - Mother of Life Conference – August 14, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Palm Springs, CA - Focus on the Family – Pastors Marriage Retreat – June 1-3, 2010
- Jim Garlow: Washington, DC - Watchmen on the Wall – May 26-28, 2010
- Rick Tyler: Washington, DC - The Lincoln Roundtable May 19, 2010
Pray and Act Campaign
A 40-day pray and fast period for life, marriage, and religious freedom
- Web campaign from September – October, 2010
- Webinar: Pastors and Christian Leaders – September 7, 2010
- Webcast: Washington, DC- Jim Garlow, Rick Tyler – September 11, 2010
- Webcast: Washington, DC- Jim Garlow, interns – September 18, 2010
- Webcast: Jim Garlow and Chuck Colson – October 30, 2010
Other Webinars with Christian Leaders
- Jerry Tuma – Finances in Chaotic Times – April 18, 2010
- Let's Stand for Marriage – May 12, 2010
- Jay Richards – Understanding the Biblical Basis for Economics – October 21, 2010
- David Barton & Newt Gingrich – Understanding the Election (focusing on Pro-life and pro-marriage candidates elected), November 4, 2010
The Next Great Awakening Tour
An Historical Tour of the sites of the First and Second Great Awakenings –June 25-July 4, 2010
- Visited the sites of Lexington, Concord, Boston, Plymouth, New York City, Ocean Grove, NJ, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, DC, and many others
- Visited Harvard, Yale, Drew and Princeton Universities
- Heard from the following speakers: Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Rick Santorum, Congressman Bob McEwen, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rick Tyler, Scott Rasmussen, Maggie Gallagher, Bishop Harry Jackson, Tony Perkins, Professor Robert George, Lance Wallnau and others.
- Videotaped nearly 40 hours of speeches along the tour for purpose of highlighting America’s spiritual and religious history
Border School for Pastors and Christian Leaders
- El Paso, Texas April 13-15, 2010 – promoted and co-convened with Pam Farone…to educate pastors and Christian leaders of the challenges affecting our freedoms along the US southern border, taught by two county sheriffs and a team of border experts
- Ontario, CA on May 13-14, 2010 – promoted participation; spoke via video
Pastors and Christian Leaders
Newt Gingrich spoke to approximately 200 San Diego-area pastors and Christian leaders on the topic of "Rediscovering God in America," focusing primarily on the religious aspect of "American Exceptionalism" ("they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…"), March 16, 2011.
Dr. Garlow was responsible for selection of 40 of the pastors who were on the platform of the Restoring Honor Rally hosted by Glen Beck, Aug 28, 2010, attended by 500,000 people.
Dr. Garlow has been active in encouraging the St. Nicolas Greek Orthodox Church that was destroy on “9/11” and had it’s land taken away, making several trips to the site in New York City, and participating in numerous meetings and phone calls with key personnel.
Dr. Garlow and the ReAL team are contacting pastors and churches across American to participate in a day of prayer and fasting on Aug 6, 2011 in “The Response” in Reliant Stadium in Houston Texas, responding to Gov. Rick Perry’s call for all 50 of America’s governors to designate Aug 6 as a Joel, Chapter 2 “Solemn Assembly.”
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