Bonhoeffer's Message To America Now

It is unlikely that the majority of Americans are familiar with the name Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I had forgotten the account of Mr. Bonhoeffer until a valued listener of our nightly

Evangelical Landslide for Romney?

Evangelical Landslide for Romney?

A ReAL Book Review by Gerard Reed

To St. Augustine: “Prudence is love choosing wisely between the things that help and those that hinder” (De Morib. Eccl. xv). Contrary to the Beatles’ message, love is not all

Freeing America’s Pulpits From Government Censorship

In the classic movie The Sting, Paul Newman explains to Robert Redford that in the most sophisticated swindles, the victim never even figures out he’s been conned. Well America’s churches got

Why Presidential Candidates’ Faith Matters

Why Presidential Candidates' Faith Matters


Stanley Hauerwas's boldly challenges a leading Christian voice of Just War understandings. Stanley Hauerwas of Duke University, America's most influential Christian pacifist, has a new article respectfully critiquing famed Christian

The Left’s War on Non-PC Science

Chris Moody’s book “The Republican War on Science” took President George W. Bush to task for suppressing scientific efforts that did not match up with his political and religious agenda.

Real Leadership Spotlight

Who We Are

ReALWhen the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?

~ Psalm 11:3 (NIV)

The mission of Renewing American Leadership (ReAL) is to preserve America’s Judeo-Christian heritage by defending and promoting the four pillars of American civilization: faith, family,freedom, and free enterprise. We are dedicated to educating, organizing, training and mobilizing people of faith to renew American self-government and America’s role in the world.

Renewing American Leadership Will...

  • Encourage leaders of all denominations to spearhead the renewal of America's culture.

  • Educate, organize and mobilize business owners and community leaders to advance and defend freedom and free markets.

  • Encourage the free expression of personal faith as a cultural norm.

Dr. Jim Garlow Chairman

Dr. Jim Garlow, author, communicator, commentator, historian, cultural observer and Senior Pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, CA, is heard daily on over 800 radio outlets nationwide in his one minute historical commentary called “The Garlow Perspective.” In addition he airs a 30 minute broadcast called “The Garlow Perspective Special.”

Garlow has done over 750 radio, TV and print interviews – national and local – covering a wide range of topics: historical, theological, marriage and family issues and cultural trends.

He founded and led the California Pastors Rapid Response Team, a group of several thousand pastors that was committed to preserving the traditional, natural definition of marriage as being one man, one woman, which recently experienced a victorious campaign with Proposition 8 receiving over 7 million votes, 52.3% of the vote.

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Ken Hagerty
Vice President, Policy

Ken Hagerty is vice president for policy of Renewing American Leadership. He is also founder and president of the Global Venture Investors Foundation, which is dedicated to developing American-style venture capital communities in emerging economies.

Previously, Mr. Hagerty founded the Global Venture Investors Association (GVIA), which produced international conferences that introduced overseas governments and investors to the financial and developmental benefits of investing in American venture capital firms. GVIA's global conferences were co-hosted by twenty-two venture capital associations from ten countries. Sponsors included: APEC (the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation—a consortium of 21 pacific rim economies), The Economist, NASDAQ, and prominent venture capital service providers.

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