Bonhoeffer's Message To America Now

It is unlikely that the majority of Americans are familiar with the name Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I had forgotten the account of Mr. Bonhoeffer until a valued listener of our nightly

Evangelical Landslide for Romney?

Evangelical Landslide for Romney?

A ReAL Book Review by Gerard Reed

To St. Augustine: “Prudence is love choosing wisely between the things that help and those that hinder” (De Morib. Eccl. xv). Contrary to the Beatles’ message, love is not all

Freeing America’s Pulpits From Government Censorship

In the classic movie The Sting, Paul Newman explains to Robert Redford that in the most sophisticated swindles, the victim never even figures out he’s been conned. Well America’s churches got

Why Presidential Candidates’ Faith Matters

Why Presidential Candidates' Faith Matters


Stanley Hauerwas's boldly challenges a leading Christian voice of Just War understandings. Stanley Hauerwas of Duke University, America's most influential Christian pacifist, has a new article respectfully critiquing famed Christian

The Left’s War on Non-PC Science

Chris Moody’s book “The Republican War on Science” took President George W. Bush to task for suppressing scientific efforts that did not match up with his political and religious agenda.

Real Leadership Spotlight

Archive of ReAL and ReAL Action Projects

Restoring God and Christianity to the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center

Renewing American Leadership organized and led the campaign in 2009 that forced the Democratic House and Senate majorities to restore and include historically accurate references to God and Christianity in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. Among other things, the Visitor Center model of the House Chamber had omitted our national motto, “In God We Trust” from its place of honor - the center of the main arch. We organized the congressional intervention that corrected this, and several other significant omissions of references to America’s reliance on its Creator, in the Visitor Center. 

The Next Great Awakening Tour

In July of 2010, we organized "The Next Great Awakening Tour", bringing in David Barton of Wallbuilders, Senator Rick Santorum, pollster Scott Rasmussen, and scholars including Professor Robert George and Maggie Gallagher. We accumulated 40 hours of speeches in a tour from tour stops including Massachusetts (Lexington, Concord, Boston, Plymouth), New York City, Ocean Grove, NJ, Baltimore, MD, and Washington, DC.

The Pray & Act 40 Day Fast

ReAL and Dr. Garlow organized and led a national 40 Day prayer and fasting mobilization called “Pray and Act” for life, marriage, and religious freedom. We accomplished this through webinars with pastors and Christian leaders throughout the country, ending just before the spectacularly successful midterm elections of 2010.

Media Coverage

Throughout 2010, we interacted with national and local media outlets: print, television, and radio. On television, we were prominently featured on The Fox News Channel. In all, ReAL leaders were featured on 57 radio interviews, 47 television interviews, and 21 print interviews. Our Chairman, Jim Garlow, authored 4 opinion pieces in The Christian Post, The Washington Post, The San Diego Tribune, and

Launching the Cut Cap and Balance Constitutional Amendment

In 2010 our legislative cohort, Renewing American Leadership Action, designed the House and Senate bills that launched the campaign for a “strong” Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment bill. Our bill was the first balanced budget amendment that went beyond requiring that federal revenues and outlays must match, to include a requirement for a super majority in the House and Senate to raise taxes, and a cap on future federal spending tied to the GDP. We recruited the House and Senate sponsors and organized the initial support coalition for the bill. In 2011 we won the co-sponsorship of all 46 GOP Senators and our bill became the basis for the campaign of the Cut Cap & Balance Coalition, the largest center-right coalition in history.

Pulpit Freedom Sunday

We organized a national recruitment and promotional campaign for Pulpit Freedom Sunday, a project of the Alliance Defending Freedom, designed to generate a court case to stop the Internal Revenue Service’s unconstitutional prohibition of churches speaking out on American elections. In 2011 we expanded the participation of pastors in Pulpit Freedom Sunday by more than 400%, from 100 to 539. Future Pulpit Freedom Sunday event information can be found at 2012 Pulpit Freedom Sunday will be on October 7. We are expecting to top 1,000 pastors this year. View the video on the left of Jim Garlow speaking with Mike Huckabee on Fox News.

George Washington, a Man of Prayer in the U.S. Capitol

In May 2012 ReAL helped organize, produce, and lead the first annual Christian tribute to George Washington as a man of prayer, in the U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall.

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