Rick Tyler - Founding Director

Rick Tyler
Founding Director

Rick Tyler has been part of former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s team for the last ten years. He currently serves as his Spokesperson. Rick is also the Founding Director of Renewing American Leadership, a 501 c3 organization dedicated to defending and advancing American civilization by restoring our Judeo-Christian heritage.

Rick was a candidate field trainer for GOPAC for ten years. He has trained hundreds of candidates, their staffs, and volunteers to lead successful campaigns for elected office in 26 different states.

Rick has been invited to speak about his political insights by many Republican groups, committees and state legislative caucuses. He was a guest lecturer at both the Institute for Politics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and the Robert J. Dole Institute for Politics at the University of Kansas. He has been interviewed by numerous radio and television programs.

Rick is a contributing author to the New York Times Best Seller Real Change: From the World that Fails to the World that Works by Newt Gingrich. He was the project manager for Speaker Gingrich’s book on healthcare called Saving Lives and Saving Money.

Rick lives in Virginia with his wife and daughter.