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# Article Title Author
1 Bonhoeffer's Message To America Now Doug Hagmann
2 An Evangelical Landslide for Romney? Mark Tooley
3 BAD RELIGION, How We Became a Nation of Heretics, By Ross Douthat A ReAL Review by Professor Gerard Reed
4 Freeing America’s Pulpits From Government Censorship Ken Hagerty
5 Why Presidential Candidates’ Faith Matters Brian Lee
6 C.S. Lewis Was No Elitist Mark Tooley
7 The Left’s War on Non-PC Science George Yancey
8 UNPROTECTED: A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness in Her Profession Endangers Every Student, by Miriam Grossman, M.D. A ReAL Review by Professor Gerard Reed
9 Paul Ryan: Ayn Rand or Thomas Aquinas? Andrew Walker
10 American Exceptionalism: The Interdependence of Faith, Freedom and Virtue Eric Metaxas
11 Faith and America's Two Pillars Rick Marschall
12 Jonah Goldberg Takes on Anti-Catholic Bigotry Malcolm A. Kline
13 Selling Scorn for Conservative Christians in a Hot Market Timothy Dalrymple
14 To Be of the "One Percent" Rick Marschall
15 How Did So Many Christian Schools End Up Secular? The Making of the Modern University: Intellectual Transformation and The Marginalization of Morality A ReAL Review by Professor Gerard Reed
16 A Few Personal Recollections of One of God's Giants — Chuck Colson Dr. Jim Garlow, Chairman, Renewing American Leadership
17 Woodrow Wilson, The Progressive Segregationist Malcolm A. Kline
18 The Case For Infanticide — Once Again Kelly Boggs
19 The Case for a Balanced Budget Amendment Now Statement by Dr. Jim Garlow
20 Obama’s State of the Union “Dream” Speech Dr. Jim Garlow
21 Speaker Newt Gingrich’s remarks at the Institute for Policy Innovation Newt Gingrich
22 Newt Gingrich at AEI: "America is at risk." Speech by Newt Gingrich
23 Chuck Colson - The Manhattan Declaration Chuck Colson
24 Congressman Paul Ryan - A Roadmap for America's Future Congressman Paul Ryan
25 Jennifer A. Marshall - Their Futures, Our Freedom at Stake in D.C. Voucher Debate Jennifer A. Marshall
26 Michael Novak - How Christianity Created Capitalism Michael Novak