Tragically, beginning in 1962 the Supreme Court began moving down the radical path Douglas had warned against. The remarkable thing about America today, and one of the ways in which we resemble the Polish experience, is that we have a vast majority of religiously inspired citizens being dictated to by a very small radical secular elite.
We know this is true because of a series of polls we did at American Solutions. There is overwhelming support for a genuine understanding of the religious origins and symbols of America.
"The vast majority of Americans, more than four out of five, believe that references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Declaration of Independence are very important because our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are endowed by our Creator and can't be taken away by government." |
The vast majority of Americans, more than four out of five, believe that references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Declaration of Independence are very important because our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are endowed by our Creator and can't be taken away by government.
We Americans reject banning prayer in public schools. In fact, over 90% of all Americans favor a law that allows public school children to take a moment of silence for prayer if they desire.
Four out of five Americans support the right of high school students to offer thanks to God in a graduation speech. And four out of five Americans reject the secular interpretation of a wall of separation between Church and State and believe it does not mean that there can be no references to God at government-sanctioned activities or in public buildings.
Despite overwhelming support for a more openly religious America many of the 875 federal judges have come to believe they are one person constitutional conventions with the power to rewrite every aspect of American life at their personal whim. If the academic elites are the long term breeding ground of radical secularism, the judiciary has become the bulldozer imposing radical secular interpretations no matter what the citizens believe or desire.
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Watch Part 3 on ReAL Video |
In the name of religious liberty secular socialists destroy religion. Our American Civilization will only survive if we have the courage to stand firmly for the truth and to oppose those who would radically undermine and destroy our values, our freedoms, and our very way of life whether they are radical secularists or radical Islamists.
All of us who believe in America must resolve to stand firmly for American Exceptionalism, our rights as granted by our Creator, and our commitment to religious liberty and the belief that freedom is based on faith and that no government can come between God and citizens.
To that end there are practical steps we can take immediately.
Contact every person you know in Iowa and urge them to vote no on the three Supreme Court Justices who are up this year. Defeating these judges will signal the American people are fed up with arrogant dictatorial judges who seek to impose their prejudice and their bias on the community at large. This is the most powerful step we could take next Tuesday to reconfirm our commitment to the defense of marriage against radical secularists.
"Join Rick Tyler and the Renewing American Leadership team in urging the new Republican Congress to zero out the appropriation for the head of the National Park Service who refuses to replace the Mojave Desert Cross which has been stolen by atheists in defiance of a Supreme Court decision that such a cross is legitimate." |
Join Rick Tyler and the Renewing American Leadership team in urging the new Republican Congress to zero out the appropriation for the head of the National Park Service who refuses to replace the Mojave Desert Cross which has been stolen by atheists in defiance of a Supreme Court decision that such a cross is legitimate.
The new Republican Congress should move to zero out all funding to Planned Parenthood and any other group which funds abortions. There is no excuse for taxpayers being compelled to pay for a process they regard as murder.
Obamacare should be repealed. Any replacement should be written to avoid placing powers of life and death in the hands of bureaucrats and politicians.
Every Governor and every state legislature should be petitioned in January to require teaching the Declaration of Independence in every grade level so children can thoroughly understand what their rights are and that they come from their Creator.
The Tenth amendment should be strictly implemented to move power from Washington to our state and local governments and to the citizens who reside therein.
The federal budget should be balanced as a moral issue. It is wrong for politicians to spend our children and grand children's money because they lack the courage to say no to spending, It is destructive for politicians to borrow more from the Chinese because they lack the courage to stand up to special interest groups.
Every effort must be made to create jobs and eliminate dependency on government. America works when Americans are working. Food stamps, unemployment and other forms of dependency may be necessary in a crisis but they are never desirable as a long term goal. The American people want pay checks not food stamps. Americans want to be able to work and provide for their families and that should be seen as a vital social as well as economic policy.
The threat from Radical Islamists must be clearly, bluntly and directly stated. Every effort should be made to encourage moderate Moslems to speak out against the Radicals. Timidity in defining our enemies increases risks and ultimately will get a lot more innocent people killed. Only a bold, fearless policy of victory over our enemies makes sense. We need the courage to tell the truth and to act on that truth.
Finally, make sure every person you know votes next Tuesday. If every dedicated Christian voted, the elections in most of America would be landslides for our values. American history is filled with moments when the American people rose up and took back their government. Next Tuesday is your chance to renew that process.
We are fortunate, every person here, to live in the freest, most prosperous and safest country in history. With God's help, and with our willingness to humble ourselves, to always seek his guidance, and always do his bidding we will overcome both our radical secular opponents and our radical Islamist enemies. That is the great calling to which we must respond.
As we prepare to face our opponents and defend our civilization we should remind ourselves of the great lesson from George Washington and Christmas 1776.
To understand the crisis of the American Revolution at Christmas 1776 you have to go back to September of that year. Washington in September was at Brooklyn with 30,000 troops. The Royal Navy was in the East River blocking him from getting to Manhattan. The British army was moving to destroy his army.
The American Army was saved, Washington himself said, by an act of providential intervention. At the last possible moment an enormous fog rolled in. It was so thick they could actually row across the East River and the Royal Navy couldn't find them. They saved most of the army. They lost a couple thousand men as prisoners and as casualties. But then Washington was defeated in Manhattan. then he was defeated in White Plains. Then he was defeated at the Palisades. Then he was driven across New Jersey.
The American morale collapsed. By the week of Christmas Washington was down to 2500 effectives. Less than one out of every thousand Americans was serving with him. Of the 2500, one-third did not have boots. They had wrapped their feet in burlap bags and they left a trail of blood when they marched.
Washington called his commanders together Christmas week and told them “we have to do something. This army's going to disintegrate in the next two weeks. We need a victory.” He had a plan. He was going to cross an icy Delaware River at night, march 9 miles on an icy, rocky dirt road in a blinding snowstorm, surprise a professional German unit, and defeat 800 professional soldiers and capture them.
His generals said to him, “We can't do this. We're not capable of this.” And Washington looked at them and said, “Look, if we don't win a victory in the next two weeks this army will disappear. When the army disappears, the revolution will be over. When the revolution's over, we'll all be hung anyway. So we have nothing to lose.”
Washington knew that people are motivated by moral belief and by clear thought. He had turned months earlier to Thomas Paine, the great pamphleteer who had written Common Sense, which was the best explanation of the Declaration of Independence. He asked Paine, who was serving as a rifleman in the army to leave the army, go to Philadelphia, and write a new pamphlet. He said, “Look we're getting defeated, we're demoralized, this is a different situation. Tell us what we should think about this more difficult war. How do we understand where we are?”
Paine wrote a pamphlet called The Crisis, which begins, “These are the times that try men's souls…” He talked about the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot. And he said, “But for those who have the courage to stay, they will earn the gratitude of generations unborn, because they will have brought freedom to birth, when everyone else had fled.”
"When you start to get tired, when you think you've talked to enough people, when you begin to say do I really have to do this? Remember, all around this planet, there are young men and women in the tradition of Washington and his ```troops and they are risking their lives so you can have the opportunity to exercise freedom. And if they're not going to get tired, you shouldn't get tired. If they are not going to give up you can't give up. If freedom is worth their dedication it is worth your dedication." |
As the troops were getting into the boats to be rowed by the Massachusetts fisherman across to New Jersey, the officers were reading them the opening chapter of Payne's new pamphlet. They marched nine miles that night on a snowy, icy, stone filled, dirt road. The attack should have been a disaster. There were two ravines the Americans had to cross they weren't aware of. This meant they had to take artillery down a steep slope, across a frozen creek, up a steep slope, and then do it a second time. They were four hours late. They were marching in an enormous snowstorm coming out of the north, which meant it was at their back and at the Germans face. The Germans, thinking like Europeans, said nobody could be out in this kind of weather and they didn't post any guards.
The Germans did not fail to post guards because, as some cynical American historians, who wanted to diminish everything American, they were drunk. They weren't drunk. These were professional, first class soldiers, but they made a calculation that in Europe was perfect. No European army could have marched in this kind of weather, because its discipline was involuntary and you couldn't afford to take the people out in that weather or they'd desert.
But if you have an army of volunteers and furthermore, if they're Americans, if they've hunted deer in midwinter, and if they are motivated by a love of freedom so they don't mind being out there, then you can surprise the German professional soldiers.
At the cost of one American Washington captured 800 professional soldiers. Then his army crossed the river back to Pennsylvania before the British Army could catch them.
As word of this great victory spread, 15,000 volunteers came in within two weeks. Washington then drove the British across northern New Jersey and saved the Revolution. Even after this victory he fought for seven more years. Washington stayed in the field for eight years and only visited Mount Vernon once, for two weeks, in that eight years. That was the price of our freedom.
And, the password that night was victory or death.
When you start to get tired, when you think you've talked to enough people, when you begin to say do I really have to do this? Remember, all around this planet, there are young men and women in the tradition of Washington and his ```troops and they are risking their lives so you can have the opportunity to exercise freedom. And if they're not going to get tired, you shouldn't get tired. If they are not going to give up you can't give up. If freedom is worth their dedication it is worth your dedication.
With your help and God's blessings we will win and freedom will prevail. Thank you, good luck and may God bless each of you.