Garlow Presents "Courage Award" to Sen. Ruben Diaz

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Dr. Jim Garlow, Chairman of ReAL, on September 22, 2011 in New York City, presented to Democrat New York State Senator Ruben Diaz the "Ruben Diaz Courage Award" for his exceptional defense of moral principles in the midst of forceful opposition.  Senator Diaz had to stand against the massive pressure of the Democratic machine and the June 24, 2011 behind-the-scenes shenanigans of Republican Senator Leader Dean Skelos and several GOP Senators who sold out their values, violating the promises they made during their campaigns regarding defending traditional, natural marriage.  The “Ruben Diaz Courage Award” will be presented periodically to other elected officials who demonstrate unusual fortitude when defending biblical and moral values.



The text of the award is as follows:

To New York State Democrat

 Senator Ruben Diaz

First Recipient of the


Presented to elected officials who bravely demonstrate outstanding commitment to moral and ethical principles and values against radical secularist forces

…for vigorously defending natural, traditional marriage in the New York State legislature in spite of Democrat pressure and Republican deception, June 24, 2011

Presented September 22, 2011 by
Renewing American Leadership
Washington, DC

 Dr. Jim Garlow, Chairman