Honesty vs. Oath-Breaking, Maturity vs. Pouting

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Dr. Jim GarlowThe goal of every parent is for his and her child to mature, always tell the truth, and learn to honor their vows. When parents see their child refuse to get along with another child, responding with the “I’m going to take my toys and go,” that mom and dad know they have important truths to teach about how to live life.

But what if those parents do not succeed? What if the child grows up, yet continues to violate his or her word? What if the child grows up never learning how to play fair? Then society is hurt. Hurt badly.

Governors and attorneys general take oaths to defend the laws of their state. Presidents are obligated to enforce the laws of the nation. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

"But what if people grow up and do not learn to tell the truth? Then society is hurt. Good laws on our law books will not adequately protect our nation. The rule of law requires people with integrity to both interpret and enforce our laws."

But what if people grow up and do not learn to tell the truth? Then society is hurt. Good laws on our law books will not adequately protect our nation. The rule of law requires people with integrity to both interpret and enforce our laws.

California’s Proposition 8 – the vote that defended traditional, natural marriage – that passed by over 52%, was not merely a “proposition.” It became Article 1, Section 7.5 of the California State Constitution. But former California Attorney General Jerry Brown – whose very job description is to enforce California’s laws – refused to do exactly that. He chose to violate his oath to enforce the law.

Then Governor Arnold Swartzennegger, who is as morally void on the inside as he is brawny on the outside, refused to honor his oath to uphold and defend the laws of the State of California. More specifically, he decided to pick and chose which laws he liked and which he didn’t. And Governor Swartzennegger, along with Attorney General Brown, did not like Article 1, Section 7.5 the California Constitution. So they violated their oaths. That is the tragedy that is placed upon us all when dishonest children fail to grow into honest adults.

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was passed by Congress and signed into law by then President Bill Clinton, a Democrat. It clarifies the right of the states to decline to recognize same sex marriages performed in other states. By doing so, it upholds both traditional marriage and our nation’s fundamental federal compact. But our current President announced on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 that he will not enforce the law of the land. I was present in person at the Saddleback Civil Forum on August 16, 2008 when then candidate Barak Obama stated before the nation that he believed that marriage is properly defined as one man-one woman. We felt then he might be lying. Feb 23, 2010 confirmed that he was.

"Mother and fathers beware: when you raise children who are oath-breakers, they grow up to wreck havoc on culture. Their untrustworthiness harms us all."

Mother and fathers beware: when you raise children who are oath-breakers, they grow up to wreck havoc on culture. Their untrustworthiness harms us all.

Every parent has observed his child throw a temper tantrum when he or she does not get his way, pick up his toys and go elsewhere. But what happens when people grow up and never mature? What happens if they keep pouting this way?

What happens if fourteen of them are elected as Wisconsin State Senators and they do not get their way? What happens if little boys and girls grow up to become the majority of the Democrats elected to the Indiana State House of Representatives, yet fail to mature?  They continue and propagate the pattern of immaturity. When they do not get their way, they get up and go elsewhere, as part of the continuing immaturity and pouting protocol.

"What happens if those in the media failed to grow up as well? Then they will report on these events as if they were merely cute political ploys, rather than serious character flaws and the trashing of the rule of law. Then more disinformation flows. And the nation is hurt."

What happens if those in the media failed to grow up as well? Then they will report on these events as if they were merely cute political ploys, rather than serious character flaws and the trashing of the rule of law. Then more disinformation flows. And the nation is hurt.

If there were any way we could bring back the parents of Barak Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jerry Brown, the self-exiled fourteen Wisconsin State Senators and the Indiana State Representatives, we would say, “Come back here. Finish your job. Your failure to complete your job as parents is harming us, destroying our states and our nation. Come back. Do it right this time.”

But we cannot bring them back, or at least, most of them. And if we could, it would be too late.

Mothers and fathers, be very careful how you raise your children. They can bring blessings to a nation. Or they can release curses.

Dr. Jim Garlow is the Chairman of Renewing American Leadership, Chairman of ReAL Action, and Senior Pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, CA. He is heard daily on over 800 radio outlets nationwide. He founded and led the California Pastors Rapid Response Team, a group of several thousand pastors that was instrumental in the campaign to enact Proposition 8.



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